Operation time: 81 minutes
Number of treatments: 1
A collection of real cases of people
who have undergone surgery
Penis Enhancement Surgery
case92 in their 30s Surgery: Penis enhancement surgery + foreskin surgery
7 day after surgery
Thanks for your time! Thank you for your help the other day! It has been a week and no problems. It's not a problem if it's so tight that it hurts when I get an erection, is it? We will also send you a photo!
Everything is fine. You may take a bath. No more bandages and medications. Please apply ointment as much as possible.
Yes, sir! Thank you very much!
14 day after surgery
It's been two weeks and it looks so natural!
Confirmed. If there's any ointment left over in use, we'll use it up and be done with it.
Thank you very much! Is it safe to take training medication?
Sorry, yes. Use it about twice a week.
Yes, sir! Thank you very much! The face wash you gave me is also very good! I will purchase it when it is gone.
Thank you very much! I will pass this on to the person in charge. Good luck with your work. Your talk about your work was very inspiring.
It's getting pretty thick. Thanks to you, it has become thicker! Thank you very much.