A collection of real cases of people
who have undergone surgery

Surgery to Elevate
the Corona of Glans Penis

case88 in their 30s Surgery: Corona of Glans penis to elevate the coronal sulcus.

Operation time: 23 minutes
Number of treatments: 1

Because of the positive feedback from the recipient in my last blog This time we will post a report from a high Corona of Glans penis. The reaction of the other party is very important. Please take a look at this page for reference.

52 day after surgery

Thank you for your time. Long time no see, doctor. Corona of Glans penis Since then, the wound has healed and the coronal groove on the lower part of the glans has become higher. The number of times my wife has orgasmed has obviously increased. Thank you very much! Although I said last time that penis surgery was the last thing I wanted to do, I got greedy.., Is it possible for a doctor to perform the same surgery as before, or in some other way to further elevate the Corona of Glans penis? By the way, I'd like to quit hyaluronic acid injections.

Please wait a moment for my reply.

Yes, sir!

Ma'am, I'm glad you are pleased. Then again, I think the only way to do this is to perform the surgery to raise the Corona of Glans penis again.

Thanks to the doctors. Yes, sir! Laser engrave more than this? Cutting? I am afraid that it might go into blood vessels or other important parts of the body.

You can go a little further.

I understand. We are in high season now and would like to book again when things settle down! please remember me Doctor, please take care of yourself.

Thank you very much! Drop me a line anytime.