A collection of real cases of people
who have undergone surgery

Surgery to Elevate
the Corona of Glans Penis

case90 in their 40s Surgery: Corona of Glans penis to elevate the coronal sulcus.

Operation time: 20 minutes
Number of treatments: 1

He had a previous foreskin operation in which the inner skin of the penis was completely removed and the glans was directly sutured to the outer skin of the penis, resulting in a smoother Corona of Glans penis than the original height. Careful laser transpiration of the border between the Corona of Glans penis and the outer skin of the penis resulted in a considerable vertical gain and a pronounced height of the Corona of Glans penis. We are also uploading the partner's feedback as it was mentioned.

2 day after surgery


7 day after surgery


14 day after surgery


21 day after surgery


28 day after surgery

Thank you for your help. After 4 weeks, the glans seems to be a little tighter and the glans looks bigger. The skin feels a little hard at the border of the wound, will it heal? I enjoyed the feeling of trying it and the reaction from the moment I put it in and was told it was different than before. LOL! I'm still curious about the augmentation surgery.