Operation time: 87 minutes
Number of treatments: 1
The surface wounds generally clean up in about two weeks, but the interior heals gradually over a period of one to three months. This time, we received a photo of the inside after 3 months, so we will post it here.
Surgery: Penis enhancement surgery + foreskin surgery + pearly penile papule + circumcision
90 day after surgery
Thank you for your help. I am sending you the images as I have finished taking the oral medication and it has been 3 months since the surgery. The swelling has decreased since I started taking the oral medication. There is still some pain on the back muscle side, but it does not interfere with my daily life. Currently, the swelling is small as soon as I wake up in the morning, but during the day, especially when I stand up, it is easily swollen.
Thank you for contacting us. The increased swelling in the upright position is probably due to poor lymphatic drainage, which should continue to improve. As for the pain, I think you should be fine with observation, but if you want to do something about it, I would recommend vitamin B12.
Thank you for your prompt reply! Noted! We will contact you if there are any further changes. Thank you in advance.